508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Now all the demons look like prophets and I'm living out / Every word they speak...
It's funny how the smallest thing someone says can really get to you. In good ways, as well as bad (although more often the former, I guess).

For instance. The other day, I got a voice mail message from someone... not a personal voice mail from someone who directly called my phone, but a voice mail that was sent out to a somewhat large group of people. The message, for the most part, didn't even pertain to me. But at the end of the message, there were four words that made me feel really really good (which is completely nonsensical, based on the distribution of the message, etc). "I'm thankful for you". A very small thing... but it really made my day. For the rest of the day, when I got tired or was having a rough time, I thought back to the message... and the fact that someone was thankful for me. Not for my work, or my skills, or what I had done... for ME. And that, for whatever reason, means something to me.

Six things I'll never get tired of hearing:
  • I love you

  • I'm so glad you came

  • I appreciate you

  • I miss you

  • I'm praying for you/thinking about you

  • I'm thankful for you

Seriously... it's all the little things that keep me from drowning in the vast chaos of life. Without them, I would truly be lost.

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posted by Deedee 2:31 PM

you know that I concider you truely great friend. Thanks for always being you. hang in there.
I wasn't actually fishing for complements, but I'll take 'em when I can get 'em :-)

Thanks for always listening to me rant. Since I seem to do that a lot. :-) And for understanding what I'm going through most of the time... nice to know we're on the same page sometimes.
I'm here for you..
I know you weren't fishing, but I wanted to remind you of what you/your friendship means.
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