508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I have to wait until August?
Did anyone see CSI last night? omg. I was totally not expecting that. Until about 15 seconds before it happened. I mean, I knew going into it that something would happen. But I didn't expect that. For the record, I've always hated that guy, ever since he played a child molester on Without A Trace. I couldn't believe they made him a recurring character on CSI. I wonder now, did they plan this? Or did the writers one day say, Oh look, we can really screw with the story if we do this?

And there won't be any resolution to any of this until the new season. I mean, I know what happened. But I'd like to know what happens after that.

Sorry this is so incoherent. I'd like to say more, but can't say more without spoilers. *sigh*

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posted by Deedee 6:34 AM
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Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I survived the beginning of the week. No more (extensive) homework due this week. CSI, here I come (if the next disc actually comes today). *sings and dances* Whoooooo are you... doot doo, doot doo... *stops singing*

I really shouldn't sing in class.

In other news, my trip home this weekend was pretty cool even if all the cool people I know in Huntsville skipped town. Like an anniversary is a good reason to go out of town. Really. But I digress. Chad and I hung out with my mom at work (and got hassled by the rest of the staff about not having kids yet). And we kept my brother up way too late when he had to work the next day (two night in a row). And we went to the Mall, and Best Buy, and Krystals (all places we must go when we visit Huntsville). And we played Risk 2210 (Chad won). And we discussed random money schemes with my Dad. But we did not watch the Reduced Shakespeare Company's Complete Works of Shakespeare (abridged), or Asterix and Obelix vs. Caeser. And we did not do homework. Which bit us (me) in the butt yesterday and today.

Class is almost over...

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posted by Deedee 8:54 AM
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Yay for Valentines day... Chad and exchanged gifts, cards and chocolate yesterday, but we're doing the whole dinner / possibly mushy movie / general romanticish type stuff tonight (so if I don't answer my phone, I'll call you tomorrow...). But yeah. Chad liked his gifts, and I really liked mine, so it was all fun and awesome. Yay for fun gifts.

In other news... there really isn't much other news. I'm mostly caught up on homework... mostly caught up on sleep... Chad and I only have like, 7 DVDs left before we finish CSI, which will be very sad, and we'll have to find a new show to watch obsessively. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do in December when I finish my Masters... I managed to add several possibilities to the list of options, though, which I guess is something. Chad keeps reminding me that, if nothing else, I can take up watching soap operas and eating BonBons. *rolls eyes*.

I have, however, taken up watching the evening news. It turns out (according to CBS), people who watch CSI make better jurors. So... By watching CSI, I'm doing my civic duty and preparing myself for jury duty. I love America.

Michael Jackson has the flu. Or something. And went to the emergency room. On the way to court. I think that he's pushing things... delaying jury selections, delaying the trial. But maybe he's not that smart... He is calling Kobe Bryant as a character witness. Yeah.

And omg... civilian inspectors aren't allowed into Top Secret government areas... I mean, I bet they don't even let most people who have tope secret security clearance waltz through there... it's like that part of the laboratory is on a need-to-know, need-to-access basis. Amazing. What is the world coming to?

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posted by Deedee 5:02 PM
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