508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I hear you say, that I'm totally a mess
So I absolutely hate New Years resolutions. Because I make the same ones every year. You know: keep the house cleaner, lose weight, eat healthier, be a nicer person in general... And by January 15th (if I'm lucky) I've managed to screw them all up to such a point that I give up. This I suppose, is the quintessential problem with being a perfectionist... I'm not perfect.

So I didn't make any this year.

But now I have a better plan. Instead of resolutions, which are made once a year (usually when the house is still full of Christmas candy and such), and are easy to screw up... I'm just going to try and start good habits. And if I screw up a couple of days in between... I don't need to "catch back up", only jump back in where I left off.

Yeah, so I'll let you know how it goes. :-)

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posted by Deedee 11:37 AM
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