I know, I know... I finally fixed the corset pic. (as an interesting note, check out the little imp who snuck into the picture with me... I really should send that to Manda).
Now I have to kill 45 minutes, and go take a final. Yay for finals?
The raindrops as they're falling tell a story looks like it might (maybe) rain tonight. But... by the time it does, it will probably be dark, and running + rain + dark + scary construction = not allowed. Which is a shame... I've been threatening to go running for like, two and a half weeks or something. Eventually, I'll do it...
Anyway. In other Deedee News... I got a new (used) car. A 2003 Suzuki Areio. It's awesome. There might eventually be pictures, but yeah... haven't been so good on getting pictures online lately (hence the not having corset pictures up yet. The exist.. they just aren't on the intarweb).
Awesome weekend This has been an awesome weekend. And it's only Sunday morning.
We went to RenFest yesterday, with Em and Alex... had a blast. And although I may be forever warped by some of the things I saw there (Chainmail bikinis should be a privledge, not a right!)... I am probably going back next weekend with Krys and Manda.
I bought a corset. Which I will wear next weekend. And might wear to the Evanescence concert, too. We'll see. Hopefully, I'll get some pictures next weekend (too busy goofing off to take pictures this weekend).
Meanwhile, I have to go and clean and go shopping and stuff so that I can dye my hair tomorrow, and so that the house will be at least marginally acceptable by the time company comes on Friday (or around then).