508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

just dance, gonna be okay / da-doo-du-dum
I'm a-gonna have house guests, I'm a-gonna have house guests... and talk, and do fun things, and go to the beach! And maybe be a girl for a while.

Although the going to the beach thing might be interesting as I don't currently have a bathing suit that fits, and since I'm a mommy now it's generally frowned upon to go skinny-dipping in the ocean (at least in front of other people's kids). Although, come to think of it, it was probably frowned upon before i was a mommy, too. So we'll see what happens - I'll probably either end up wearing an ill-fitting one-piece swimsuit from high school (oh yes, I still have it), or an ill-fitting two-piece from before I had stretch marks and 25 pounds of baby fat. Either way, it should be fun.

And Brianna has a bathing suit, at least, so it should make for some cute pictures (as long as I stay out of them!).

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posted by Deedee 2:15 PM
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