508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

  1. Computer no longer in shop, but needs OS reinstall. It'll be the weekend before I have time to fool with it.
  2. no longer going to Boston in the fall, staying here to get a master's degree and possibly teach labs or somehting (we are no longer "the Pirates who don't do anything", apparently we are "the pirates who go to grad school") Good and bad qualities to that one...
  3. midterms are upon us... therefore, I am insanely busy, and thus also have recontracted my sinus infection (I think). But... after Thursday, it will be much (more) better(er). And I might have time to sleep. Or not.
  4. Spring break is coming. This is what we are all holding out for. *sigh* A week of rest and relaxation and... wedding planning.

I think that's about it for the moment... life is generally ok... I'm looking forward to not having to drag all my stuff home over the summer break... books and stuff are a pain to move.

Hope to be online again soon... like I said, let me get past Thursday, and i can look at the computer.

Now I must go to class *sigh*

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posted by Deedee 12:50 PM
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