508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Ok... life and mood right now in a nutshell:

  1. Yay for the rediscovery of information on old hard drives :-)

  2. Not yay for people who change White Wolf schedules at the last possible minute, thereby throwing chaos into any plans people might have made on the weird assumption that these things were somewhat static.

  3. Yay for sleep. I don't often get much of it, but I've slept for basically three or four days now, and I think it might be kind of addictive. I dunno... maybe I should break the habit before it gets worse :-)

  4. Not yay for doctor's appointments. Because they suck.

  5. Yay for good grades, and a good class schedule (tenatively) for next semester.

  6. Not yay for having to deal with stupid people. That has to be like, my biggest pet peeve ever... stupid people really really get to me. I don't think I can stress this one enough...

Ok. All I can think of for the moment.

Thinking about going to sleep. Somewhat hyper, but not the fun kind of hyper that makes you jump around and do things... more the edgy kind of hyper you get from lack of sleep... or too much sleep, I guess. That's prolly it. I've slept too much. I should boycott sleep tonight... heh heh heh.

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posted by Deedee 9:14 PM

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