508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dumb girls
Ok, so I'm a member of an online community of female IT & computing professionals. Which is fine, but occasionally they go of on a tangent that I find entirely not worthwhile. Or just plain stupid.

For instance, the current campaign is to boycott a given company because of an ad they had printed somewhere... The ad has a picture of a fairly attractive woman, and said something like "Don't worry, our servers won't go down on you either". [I'll look for a link to it later, I know someone Digged it Edit: link.]. Now, I thought this was pretty funny when I saw it several days ago. The online community? not so much. People are selling stock, writing letters, complaining to NASA (who buys from this company), etc.

Exactly what is the deal? I understand why some people would be offended by the sexual reference, but why are women taking this as a dig on women in computing? What about it is offensive to women, in general?

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posted by Deedee 1:01 PM
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Friday, August 03, 2007

Got up on the wrong side of life today...
I'm in a really odd, kind of rant-y mood today. No idea why. Really.
These are (a few) of the random things that have bothered me today:
  1. The word data is plural. Data is literally a bunch of "things"
    not just one. So why do we say "the data is on the server" as opposedto "the data are on the server"? You would never say "The dogs is onthe porch" (unless you were from some geographic regions, in which case you probably aren't concerned with whether data is singular or plural.
  2. Why is the world so concerned with having "stuff"? You know, things, stuff, toys, items that you don't need that cost extra money and then you may or may not use them... I'm fast becoming less of a "stuff" person (we'll assume books don't count, here). I'm really tired of the materialism, the "how much do you make?" implying that making more money makes you more valuable as a person. And when did living within your means go out of style?
  3. I think the pop-up previews that outlook puts up when you get a new message are the worst invention ever. Not because I don't use them.... I do, all the time. But because too many people overuse them. Read the whole e-mail before you respond, not just the one line that displays. I try to keep it short, but really, you could take the time to read it.
  4. Scrum uses the most bizarre terminology ever. I dislike being dubbed a "chicken" (although the alternative title, "pig", wasn't much better). And what are "sprints", anyway? Why can't they call them "iterations", like everyone else?
  5. I'm annoyed by "news" that isn't newsworthy (imho). Bridges collapsing = news. Pregnant celebs choosing county lockup over city lockup != news. Especially when the story ran yesterday, and was rewritten (with no new information) for today's news. Stuff like this is what clogs up the tubes of the intarweb. Srsly.
  6. I really hate the term "starting a family". Um, I already have a family started, yo. Chad + Deedee = family. If someone asked me, "do you have any family?" I would say, "yes, I'm married, my parents/siblings live in Alabama, and my in-laws live in Mississippi". Not "no, I haven't got around to starting one yet".

And since that rounds out six points, I will stop ranting.

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posted by Deedee 3:00 PM
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Friday, June 08, 2007

Quote of the day:
I guess Darwin never knew anyone who owned a 4-wheeler

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posted by Deedee 11:38 AM
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Monday, May 24, 2004

Wedding invites got here today...

So now you'll know how long it takes me to get them addressed and sent out. I still have to get the maps and directions to the church printed out... should get that done tomorrow, and we hsould be ready to rock and roll. Or something.

I had to fight with the post office today... see, I wanted 100 of the .60 stamps with flowers on them, and 100 of the .37 candy heart stamps... so I went to the Mastin Lake post office. And they looked at me like I was crazy. The only stamps, I'm told, that they have 100 of, are flag stamps. They actually didn't have *any* of either of the stamps I was looking for, and offered to seel me 20 Dr. Suess stamps instead. When asked where to go to find said stamps, the lady said (and I'm not joking)... "Well, you could try the Wynn Drive post office... it's a Fah-la-del-ic center. Or the post office sells stamps on it's website, but I don't rememebr the web address. I think there's a 1-800 number, but I don't know what it is, either."

So I left, trying to figure out what the crap Fahladelic was... a few minutes later, it hit me. Philatelic (Fil-a-te-lic). Like, stamp collecting. And all this time, I had being trying to relate it to something Freudian.

The Wynn drive post office, by the way, had everything I needed. And the USPS website, should you ever wonder (don't ask the Post Office people, they don't know)... is http://www.usps.com.

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posted by Deedee 6:47 PM
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Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Ok... life and mood right now in a nutshell:

  1. Yay for the rediscovery of information on old hard drives :-)

  2. Not yay for people who change White Wolf schedules at the last possible minute, thereby throwing chaos into any plans people might have made on the weird assumption that these things were somewhat static.

  3. Yay for sleep. I don't often get much of it, but I've slept for basically three or four days now, and I think it might be kind of addictive. I dunno... maybe I should break the habit before it gets worse :-)

  4. Not yay for doctor's appointments. Because they suck.

  5. Yay for good grades, and a good class schedule (tenatively) for next semester.

  6. Not yay for having to deal with stupid people. That has to be like, my biggest pet peeve ever... stupid people really really get to me. I don't think I can stress this one enough...

Ok. All I can think of for the moment.

Thinking about going to sleep. Somewhat hyper, but not the fun kind of hyper that makes you jump around and do things... more the edgy kind of hyper you get from lack of sleep... or too much sleep, I guess. That's prolly it. I've slept too much. I should boycott sleep tonight... heh heh heh.

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posted by Deedee 9:14 PM
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Wednesday, September 17, 2003

You know.... as much as I hate stupid people, I would never tell someone to their face that they are stupid. And I would never make condecending remarks towards them because I think they don't know what they are talking about, especially if I'm the one talking out of my butt.

But that's just me. Maybe I'm weird or something.

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posted by Deedee 3:32 PM
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Monday, September 15, 2003


I am going to run away. Far far away. Away from school... and homework... and future plans... and annoying people.

*sigh* So much for sleep.

I hate stupid people. (just for the record).

P.S. Why is it sooooo difficult to dress in the bathroom when company is over?

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posted by Deedee 8:24 PM
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