You're crazy for believing I don't care Dear Microsoft,
You know what makes me mad?
Web pages that resize my browser window. Honestly, there's no reason for it. The desktop, and thus the size of the windows on it, is owned by the user. What if I had my screen resolution set to 800x600 or something lame like that? You would have just resized my window to something that overflowed my screen, in all directions. Do you have any idea how annoying that is?
Do me a favor. Hire some real usability people. Please. And while you're at it... provide me with some reasonable way to make Office 2007 look more like a it used to, and less like it was designed by someone who had never used a WIMP interface.
Quote of the Day: From this article: The whole thing is the visual equivalent of a moronic clip-art jumble sale poster designed in the dark by a myopic divorcee experiencing a freak biorhythmic high. ~ Charlie Brooker on poor interface design
The web designer for this page needs to be shot. How are you supposed to read anything with those stupid clouds floating around? And what is the scroll bar doing? Grr. Web design shouldn't be about showing off your knowledge of javascript with cheap flashy tricks.