When it rains, it pours. Actually.... I wish it would rain. Not only because I like rain (interesting side note... I'm the one that likes rain, but Chad's the water baby. Go figure)... but rain tends to cool things off. And that would be much appreciated right now *glances upward, hopefully* *shakes head*
So I actually wrote a little last night. Not like, blog writing, or journal writing, or writing wrongs... no wait... that last one was off. Anyway, the point is, I wrote. Not much. But some. I think Neverwinter Nights has reawakened something... even though I haven;t had time to bring Arianell through anything past 3rd level due to the fact that I play on my sister's computer...
So yeah. Interesting. I'm not much of a writer. But I enjoy it... As long as no one else reads it. There's nothing worse than watching someone else read your work... Although Chad's read some of my "poetry" (I use the term rather loosely), and he didn't have anything terrible to say about it. And I wrote a fairly passable short story once, for creative writing. About a family in the Warsaw Ghetto... fairly depressing, but my teacher said it was well written. But of course, no one in my clas knew what it was about. They were all like, Dude why are these people sewing yellow stars on their jackets? What year did this take place? What state is Warsaw in? *sigh*
I don't know... I might let someone read this, when I finish. it may not turn out to be much... just another random sword and sorcery type story...
If I ever finish. Yeah.... Don't tell Elisa I started on anything. Thats all I need right now... another lecture on how I've never finished anything in my life. (My attempts to point out that I finished high school have been totally ignored).
So I'm going to church tomorrow. With my Grandmother. Not sure exactly how I feel about that yet... at least it'll get me out of the house, I suppose. And it's slightly better than going to my parent's church. At least the people are friendly... I dunno. Church and I haven't been getting along too well this summer. I have a church at school that I like a lot... this is more or less the last time I'm going to spend any appreciable time at home... so why fight to find a church here now? I like the new preacher at Calvary, but the church itself, and to some extent its people, hold way too many memories for me to ever be really comfortable there again. Other than going for AWANA on Wednesday nights... and even that has become depressing, as everyone I knew there is gone. Even most of my brother's friends have graduated. Grandmother's church is... well, Grandmother's church. Everyone there has known me since I was born, practically. And they all expect me to look and act a certain way... and I'm afraid I'm not going to fit that picture they have of me. But, the church itself isn't an uncomfortable place to be, which I suppose is good, since I plan on getting married there. I just wouldn't want to go there every Sunday. Actually... this summer, I haven't wanted to go anywhere every Sunday. I haven't wanted to get all dressed up and go and sit still through church, and then smile at everyone and shake their hands on the way out.... blah. People. Haven't wanted to deal with people.
And yet, at the same time, I want to be at school because there are people there. wierd, eh?
But yeah. I've probably written too much. So I'll go away now... probably take a shower or something...